There are a lot of marketplaces and Classifieds like Ozon, WildBerries (WB), Yandex Market, Avito with many unique goods on it. When you want to order [smth] for your Collection it is necessary to have a verified account and russian bank card. This is a problem for foreign citizens. Professional Russian Buyer will help you in this case. Usually It offers to use money transfers form Crypto (Bitcoin, USDT, USDC, Etherum) to RUB/Seller to complete the order and make it successful.
Do you need to buy the Real Estate or Invest Money in Gold ? You can make Payments Online via Cryptocurrencies. After that we convert this sum to russian rubles (fiat currency).
In some cases, the rights to purchase and own for foreign citizens are limited by law. In such cases, we suggest making the Trustee the formal owner and you the Beneficiary.