Quick registration of companies in different countries of the world. Cryptolicenses.Without checks and verifications. Anonymity, full nominal package.
Possibility of opening an online office and corporate account.*
Registration of paid authorized capital up to $ 1 billion: + $ 1400 to the price list.
1. Choose a jurisdiction.
2. Drop data on the list.
3. Pay for registration.
4. Receive a set of statutory documents and a link to the open register of the country.
Countries and prices

Europe with authorized capital
Terms from 2 months.

* Not for all jurisdictions, check with support Broker .
** Important! We do not maintain current accounting of the company. But we can submit reports and renew our companies every year.

1. Company name.
2. Full name and date of birth of the director (we can choose it ourselves).
3. Address of the company's office (we can choose it ourselves).
4. Describe the company's activities.
5. Amount of authorized paid-in capital (if needed, +$1400 to the price list).