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1 What Does the Future Hold for the French Economy?



What is the future for the French economy? What does the future hold for a country with four simultaneous deficits - the only one in the entire eurozone? What is the future for a country with a debt of over 3 trillion euros, which finds itself sanctioned by a transnational institution - the European Commission - for its budgetary situation? What is the future, finally, for France, which, in addition to this disastrous situation, also finds itself in a deep political crisis? The big question is: can we still hope for economic recovery, or is France doomed to decline? The resignation of the Barnier government interrupted the examination of the Finance Bill for 2025. The new Prime Minister, François Bayrou, now finds himself faced with the task of dealing with the demands of the various parties. In these conditions, two options are emerging: to quickly resume the budgetary texts in early January, or to take more time to rewrite them in depth, with a timetable stretching t...

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